Sunday, January 28, 2007

Big Blue Eyes!

This is baby "C"! He was just so sweet with his red hair and baby blues! I just love babies and it is so fun to be able to work with them. This little guy was so good. He didn't even cry once, even after we woke him up from his nap to get pictures taken! He is only 7 months old and he is seriously on the move! Look out world! Here he comes!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Fresh Faces!

I need some Fresh Faces! I am looking to photograph a few children in my new in-home studio when it is ready, which will be probably mid February. I am looking for children ages newborn-10 years to photograph. I will be styling the sessions and supplying the clothing as well. In return I will not be charging a session fee and will also give you an 11x14 from the session. I will only be selecting a few children, so email me at if you are interested! These spots will fill up fast!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Well, we finally got some ice and snow here! It is pretty, but I think I like the milder temperatures better! I will add some photos on here that I took yesturday. I have been busy in my house changing all of the rooms up. I will soon have my own studio in my home. I am super excited! I will take pics once I get all of the stuff out! It is presently my office with my computer desk and file cabinets. It has awesome window light!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I am BAD at this!

I am really not good at blogging! I just can't get used to updating it. I have been pretty busy. I got to go to Tim Babin's workshop in Ohio last weekend and it was awesome! I learned so much and I got to meet some other photographers that I have chatted with online. I have been spending time updating all of my pricing and policies. I will be offering a Baby Plan this year for all of you expecting mothers. Contact me if you are interested in signing up. I also have all new packages for the New Year! Hopefully I will have some photos to post soon. It has been pretty gloomy around here so I haven't had the camera out in awhile. I will update sooner next time!